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Recently, our family had to make the devastating decision to put down our family pet, Whiskey. It was a sudden decsion we had to make. Him being an older cat and some sinister problems all coming to light, we did what we knew was best for him. He was more than just a family pet however, he was a member of our family, someone who each of us could all turn to in our darkest times, someone we all knew would not judge us for our ugliest moments and someone we all could rely on to support us and keep us at our best.

His passing has really affected our family. I wake up and expect to see him joyously strolling around the house. Often, I believe I've heard him meowing from downstairs. Mourning is something my family and I are, fortunately, not used to. I want this website to be our outlet for mourning Whiskey's passing. Unfortunatley, I'm not that good at css and the more troublesome web designing, so this site is thankfully made with the help of my boyfriend, and a close friend of Whiskey, Alan.

Whiskey was a lovely friend, as you can tell from the site. He loved to be around people, he didn't need to be the center of attention but just needed to be where everyone was. In our house all of the bedrooms are very close to one another, and if he wasnt asleep on your bed he would be sitting in the middle of the hall that joined the bedrooms. Whiskey was a brave boy, probably the bravest there has been.